Custom events

Trigger product adoption flows based on user actions in your application or website.

cost of user

Display content when a user performs a specific action

Trigger tours, hints, checklists and other onboarding content when the user clicks on certain element in your application.

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feature adoption and custom events

Drive feature adoption

Adjust product adoption content to users depending on whether they have or have not used a specific feature.

See how it works

Integrate seamlessly with existing tech stack

Our native integrations with popular CRM, campaign and analytics tools make it easy to trigger content off existing segments, cohorts and events.

Right message to the right user at the right time

Combine events with user attributes to create highly targeted segments.

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Power tip!

Introduce PRO features when users are likely to need them

Tie upsells to actions where users can see the value right away.

Increase targeting precision

Event targeting

Show flows to users who performed a particular event

Event triggering

Launch flows when specific events occur in real time


Target users who perform events within a specific timeframe

Start onboarding more users today

Get in touch. We'll help you to create beautiful onboarding experiences for your users.

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