Content map

View all your product adoption content in one place to ensure the right message reaches the right user at the right time.

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Your product adoption content has expanded, and it's hard to manage

No visibility

What content are my users receiving, and how to track it effectively?


Are my users being overwhelmed by too many messages?

Vague ownership

Different teams handle different parts, leading to confusion.

Content map provides you with an easy-to-navigate overview, neatly organized in a single canvas

 product adoption content map

Get a bird's eye view

Gain a comprehensive overview of all your product adoption content in one place. See exactly what your users are receiving before you add new flows, avoiding unnecessary overlap.

Prevent overmessaging

Prevent overmessaging

Actively manage what each segment is receiving, helping you avoid excessive communication. Easily filter by user segment, URL, content type, author and status to quickly find the information you need.

One-click unpublishing

Instantly pause outdated or inaccurate content directly from the content map. Fix errors quickly and keep your content up-to-date.

Start onboarding more users today

Get in touch. We'll help you to create beautiful onboarding experiences for your users.

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